Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Turkeys on the Lookout

If I were a turkey (no comments please), I'd post a lookout. Someone to let the rest of us know when the axeman cometh.

In that way, those in the know could start performing practiced disgusting acts, like eating feces and flopping around like . . . turkeys with mad cow or something, or whooping up a storm and maybe humping his leg. Nothing would turn the executioner away faster than his target laying one into him, no? The end result: the hooded meanie would move onto the next sucker, simply glad to get away before you 'finished'.

I think I can predict what the next big agricultural disease will be after this post is widely read: Mad Turkey disease. 1st symptom: humping your farmer's leg.

Look outs are always a good thing. Unless you pick an idiot.

Moral: don't pick a turkey for a lookout - they're idiots, or are they?

Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy your steak, and keep the shiny side up.


  1. Ben Franklin wanted the turkey declared as the national bird instead of the eagle. Turkeys response: "Atta boy, Ben! Way to go!"

    Since that failed, the common expression among turkeys now:
    "Remember -You are what you eat and you ain't gonna like bein' a turkey!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
